Give or receive a Popsicle Wedgie & Front Wedgie by soaking a person’s underwear in water and put them in the freezer for an hour. Then give/receive a Wedgie & Front Wedgie at the same time in the frozen underwear. Two people stand face to face with their stomachs touching. Sugar Rush Wedgies by Kamarie' Nelson 2.4K 3 1 'This is a story based off of the Disney movie Wreck it Ralph, it takes place in the land of Sugar Rush which is based off of some arcade game, and it is centered a.

Kinky Newbie
Self Wedgie Games

- Bisexual
- Female
- Submissive
Self Wedgie Game
Hey fellow KT members! I am super bored, so I'm looking for wedgie dares! I may be able to do some messy, just don't make it too extreme please. Also, you can incorporate some ice and spanking too. Hanging wedgies aren't generally my favorite, I like challenges such as seeing how long it takes to rip my underwear, how far I can get it, yanking it up every ten seconds or when I hear a trigger word. Please be creative and I'm looking to expand my wedgie experience! Thank you so much!