Time to go old-new school, with retro-new game, Sonic Mania, developed by Christian Whitehead, Headcannon, and PagodaWest Games! OK, if I’m not making too much sense, here’s a simpler way of phrasing it: let’s enjoy this remix of Chemical Plant Zone theme by Tee Lopes, the track originally featured in Sonic 2. The new track, Chemical Plant Zone Act 2, is just as bopping as the original was on the old SEGA Genesis game!
The Chemical Plant (ケミカルプラント), also known as the Chemical Plant Zone (ケミカルプラントゾーン), is a recurring location in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.It refers to the chemical-producing facilities that are owned by Dr. Eggman and used to supply the doctor's nefarious schemes. Numerous chemical plants have been established across the globe over time, although the. The Chemical Plant Zone was a facility controlled by Dr. Eggman, that existed on Mobius when it was rewritten by the first Genesis Wave. It's name comes from the sheer volume of chemicals produced here, most-if not all-of which are known to be toxic. During the period when Dr. Eggman's Operation: Clean Sweep altered reality and reshaped Mobius, the Chemical Plant Zone was an industrial zone.
Dr. Eggman (…or Robotnik, for purist) is at it again! After detecting strong signals from Angel Island, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles investigate to find the mad scientists and his robot army steal the Phantom Ruby gems. In an attempt to retrieve them back, the games suddenly activates, warping all the involved characters to past levels. You know…the usual Sonic plot…
Of course, the meat of Sonic Mania is it’s faithfulness to past 2D Sonic titles. Created by fans, for fans, Sonic Mania combines some of the best parts from each past entries. This includes adding unique twists to the momentum-based platformer, such as new power-ups, remixed boss battles, new environment hazards, and more. Played a 2D Sonic game before? You’ll be right at home here!
Sonic Mania is released on Playstation 4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC via Steam, Microsoft Store, and Origin.
Categories: #WeeklyGameMusic |This is the music for the Chemical Plant zone in Sonic 2.IT'S BEEN EXTENDED! Brianchoo mew moved Chemical Plant Zone - Sonic 2 from Original Pieces to Video Game Themes brianchoo mew renamed Chemical Plant Zone - Sonic 2 (from Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant Zone) brianchoo mew changed description of Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant Zone. Sonic the Hedgehog Project The second piece was completed.Love the videos of the Sonic the Hedgehog Project!Act.2 Chemical Plant Zone The next video is Aquat.
Posted 2015-05-18, evaluated by the judges panel
It's officially NOOBWEEK here at OCR, as we celebrate new artists & their debut ReMixes!!
Of course, many (if not most) artists popping up on OC ReMix for the first time are quite far from noobs when it comes to music production in general, so the label is more of an affectionate welcome & not a barometer of general experience. Up first is wauterboi (Isaias) with a gritty, not-quite-dubstep but still aggressively effected EDM take on S2's classic 'Chemical Plant Zone' theme:
'So, yeah, this song is definitely a creative accident. Here's what happened: I had a song that is two years old. The percussion was awesome and everything else sucked, so after stripping the song of its awful melodies and horribly explosive synth garbage, I was left with the drums.
Chemical Plant Zone Piano
I went back to square one with a keyboard and the original beat, and the collective of notes that came after just happened to closely resemble 'Chemical Plant Zone.' I decided from that point on that I was remixing Sonic, and, a few synths later, it sounded great.
I'm a dolt when it comes to describing my own music, but if I had to say anything about it, I'd say that it takes some of the style from the original track and throws it in a blender full of gritty synthwork, a slower tempo, and even some of the original synths from the game. I mean, they're literally the original synths - they were extracted from the game and played by yours truly. And I guess you could say it's slightly dubsteppy without being vomit-inducing or 'super filthy heavy nastiness.'
We tried to contact Isaias to get a 44.1kHz render of the mix to fit with our standards (this is 48kHz), but we never heard back; hopefully seeing his arrangement posted will prompt both a response AND future submissions, as this is an enjoyable & unique take on a popular theme. Grit & grime are out in force, but the other interesting aspect is how things have been slowed down, with latebreaking wobbles being one of the only double-time exceptions to an otherwise reduced pace. It actually provides more of the feel of a factory/plant, where things are being manufactured, which is neat, and the glitchery & mangling are first-rate. OA writes:
'This is pretty damn solid. I really like the constant beat and the 16th note synth pattern, and of course there is a sonic SFX inclusion or two. It's a sonic remix after all! ;-)
The repetition is a little prominent the second time around, but there are minor changes that keep it unique. I do think mixing it up a bit more would have been a little more exciting, but overall I think this is a cool take on a classic and is strong enough to clear the bar as-is.'
DarkeSword adds:
Chemical Plant Zone Remix
'It's dirty as hell but it's there's a lot of control here. Love how you went the other way with this; usually people speed this source up, but you made the deliberate pace really work. I feel like if you played this in a club, you would absolutely wreck the crowd in the best possible way. Very nice.'
Well said RE: pacing, which I think ends up defining the arrangement, in a good way. Been a long time since this was submitted, and like I said, for a good chunk of that we were trying to obtain an updated file from the artist. Here's hoping he resurfaces, considers submitting more of his work (check out https://soundcloud.com/wauterboi), and here's to the many newcomers we'll also be featuring this week - stay tuned!
Chemical Plant Zone But It's Megalovania
― djpretzel